Our Services
What We Offer
Your search for a massage therapist ends with Curationis Massage Clinic in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We utilize techniques that other establishments don’t and always deliver excellent customer service. With us, you can get a Your search for a massage therapist concludes at Curationis Massage Clinic in Albuquerque, New Mexico. We employ techniques that other establishments don’t, ensuring excellent customer service. With us, you can enjoy a massage treatment in a serene, welcoming environment, leaving our clinic fully rejuvenated. Read on to discover more about our services and rates.massage treatment in a serene, welcoming environment and leave our establishment fully rejuvenated. Read on to learn more about our services as well as our rates.

Therapeutic Massage Therapy
This offers pain relief and aids in stress management. It's also ideal for those looking to target pain in specific areas of the body. Although therapeutic massage is often equated with deep tissue massage, it doesn't always involve the use of strong pressure. We will identify which techniques are best suited for your needs before providing any treatment treatment.
60 Minutes – $85.00
90 Minutes – $120.00
2 Hours – $160.00

Medical Massage Therapy
Medical Massage Medical massage is outcome-based massage, primarily the application of a specific treatment targeted to the specific problem the patient presents with a diagnosis and are administered after a thorough assessment/evaluation by the medical massage therapist with specific outcomes being the basis for treatment.
60 Minutes – $85.00
90 Minutes – $120.00

Hospital Based Massage Therapy
Hospital based massage is any type of massage therapy that is done in a hospital. Hospital Based Massage Therapy is becoming more popular. Massage therapy is found in oncology care centers and is expanding to pain and headache clinics. It is being used in cardiac units as well as in transplant, orthopedics and pediatric units. Massage therapy is used to address some of the most common general symptoms that come with a hospital stay including pain, stress, anxiety, and insomnia.

Palliative and Hospice Massage Therapy
A specialized inter-disciplinary approach to managing the suffering, symptoms, and stress of patient's with serious illness. Practitioners are trained to manage these symptoms whether physical, emotional, familial, or spiritual as well as to communicate information and coordinate understanding among all relative parties. Communication is the central tenet of palliative care with the goal of supporting patient centered decision-making and goal setting. HOSPICE: Palliative care for terminally ill patients who are no longer receiving curative treatment for underlying disease and by best estimation have a prognosis of less than 6 months.

TMJ Dysfunction Massage Therapy
Massage therapy can provide relief for individuals with temporomandibular joint disorder, often known as TMJ syndrome or simply TMJ. Characterized by pain and stiffness in the jaw, face, and neck, TMJ impacts the temporomandibular joint, which links the jaw to the side of the skull. By applying massage to the muscles around the temporomandibular joint, those suffering from TMJ may be able to reduce pain and alleviate symptoms.